"Odd woman"

Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held
Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration and costumes for the play "Odd Woman". Daria Held Decoration for the performance "The Dawns Here are Quiet". Daria Held
Theater-Club "Bravo"
Director: Aleksander Buldakov
Designer: Daria Held

Designer in a theater helps in many ways the director to draw conceived picture for the performance out of the details, costumes and interior decorations. There was a need to exaggerate the features of the main character in the performance "Odd woman" - the play by Nina Sadur, so her outfit is characterized by its simplicity and complexity at the same time. At first glance, everyday life costumes are so common that you can read the time and place of action, but nothing happens without a reason in a mystical-everyday life comedy of theater-club "Bravo!". Through a costume the designer subtly emphasized the power of human thoughts and beliefs as just one simple idea can change an arranged, coordinated and understandable life. This is not a classical theater, so there is a profound content in minimum of actions and maximum of emotions. Everything in the play worked for the idea, all the more the appearance of the characters. What is the meaning of life? Is man ready to scarify himself? And what kind of a trail will he leave behind? The costume designer’s task was to add a bit of colors and details highlighting the comprehension of the audience.